WTOC 11 Savannah, GA - NBC

Interviewed by CBS WTOC 11 in Savannah, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.

Video Transcript:

Reporter: Well, there are now more options for justice. For people living in Georgia who suffered sexual abuse as a child, the Hidden Predator Act extends the time victims have to file suit in civil court. The founder of a group that lobbied for the reform tells us that it's a start in helping the one in four girls and one in six boys who are victims of sexual abuse.

Angela Williams: And unfortunately, in our criminal court system, less than 4% actually get prosecuted. So, what House Bill 17 set out to do was to extend the civil statute of limitations because if the criminal door closed, at least it would open the courtroom doors, open justice in the civil courts.

Reporter: Williams was in Vidalia today speaking to the Kiwanis Club.


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